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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wellness, not just the absence of health

Health can be defined along a continuum. the definition will differ from person to person. The evidence is always open to interpretation. With so many different cultures in the world, we will definitely vary.

I personally define health as if it were not only a physical condition but a science. Health is a state of being. Health is a global concept to incorporate the well being of every system and component that must work as a system to obtain a common goal. Health encompasses the mind, body, and the soul. If there is an imbalance of these elements harmony is absent; therefore "healthy" is absent. Health extends beyond the basic human concept, it goes all the way down to the single cell organism. If the base is not healthy the ladder rungs will suffer.

Aside from health is the concept of wellness. Wellness is not only a concept but a state of health. Wellness is the ability of the body to adapt, overcome, and improvise. The cliche "No one person is perfect" is absolutely true. If you are overweight, balding, have bad skin, have a physical or mental disability, or even lack mobility you must find a way to feel well. This concept is in your head. The absence of disease or illness is not the definition of wellness. The ability to carry on regardless of your disease, illness, or disability means you are well in your own mind; you have maintained a balance.

You are the one that decides if you are healthy and well. Doctors and nurses will tell you different things and you will get different views. If you are able to go and do, then go and do. Define healthy and well on your own terms.